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Adulthood 101



Accountability," being responsible and willing to account for one's actions " was the parental training we received as children, teenagers and young adults. No matter how we felt about it, we came to accept and recognize it was part of life and we were the recipients of the training and the respondents.

As i began coaching people, and dealing with issues in my own life, i realized that as adults, to be responsible and accountable for our actions is totally on us. I think is called maturity. In fact, we now seek training in many areas and are individually responsible to make choices in many areas of life. I think that the consequences of not being responsible or accountable are vastly different from being trained by parenting to becoming our own " parent".

The transition to adulthood is merely about taking full responsibility for our lives, choices and to be willing to account for our own actions which leads to more maturity and more rewards than consequences.